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Suicide: Required by Law in Minnesota

In the State of Minnesota, it is now illegal to write a suicide note and then fail to kill yourself.  Although some activists in the suicide arena, such as the Church of Euthanasia, might find this encouraging, from the pro-choice view on a.s.h - which includes the right to change your mind before you actually do it - this behavior in Minnesota is abhorrent.

According to the Star-Tribune in Minneapolis, a man named Ashok Ruis wrote several suicide notes in mid-April 1999, including a notation to tell the police that he had suicided.  Apparently Mr. Ruis changed his mind and didn't suicide.

The Star-Tribune reported that Mr. Ruis, still alive, is now facing misdemeanor charges for "filing a false police report".  So remember everyone, if you're in Minnesota, be very very sure you're going to go through with suicide before you write a note.  Otherwise you may be arrested for failing to commit suicide; after all, it's not a false report if you complete.

Last update: Sunday, May 09, 1999 11:28

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