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I wanna run away, never come back, never get tired, run
forever, run until I die, close my eyes, stop listening,
stop thinking, be drunk forever, forgetting everything; me.

I wanna run away, not stop at another place, not understanding
anything, not remember anything, feeling nothing but pure
emptyness, sensing blackness, forgotten by everyone, tasting
blood; me.

I wanna run away, I wanna run, wanting nothing,
touching nothing, feeling nothing, nothing; me.

(for 'life', may 95)


to hold you
   in my arms
   in my mind
   in my dreams
to see you
   with my eyes
   with my soul
   with my hands
to taste you
   on my lips
   in my blood
   in my fantasies
to have you
   close by
   from far
   at all
to remember you
   when I'm alone
   when things are bad
   filled with sadness
to remember you

(for Terese, august 95)

A poem found on a local MUD, I'm sad to say I don't remember who the
author was. :-I
london bridge is 
  where I dreamed I met you
  where I fell in love with you
  before we started
  down the endless spiral
  thinking in circles
  living in circles
  into darkness
  into pain
  into hate
  endlessly speeding up
  ripping each other apart
  tearing each other
  destroying the ground
  beneath our feet
  until we start
  digging our nails
  painfully into each other
  trying to stop falling
  is it us or reality
  if we open our eyes
  will we finally see
london bridge is
  the only thing that isn't
falling down
  I wish you were
  even though you aren't
  you fucking bitch

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